Resources on GBV and COVID-19

This webpage is a centralized hub for resources related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and the COVID-19 pandemic. It shares the work of organizations across Canada, as well as key international research.

Recommended public health measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 such as social/physical distancing and the closure of non-essential services may increase exposure to violence (e.g. intimate partner violence, sexual violence, child maltreatment), in addition to changing the landscape of support-seeking.

We hope this hub of resources will contribute to the ongoing work of preventing and responding to GBV during the pandemic by sharing high quality information and innovative strategies to support those experiencing or at risk of experiencing GBV.

We will continue to update this webpage as further resources become available and share resources through our social media (Facebook and Twitter).

If you have COVID-19 and GBV specific resources you would like to share, please send a brief description and link to

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Violence Against Women

Shelter Voices Special Issue: The Impact of COVID-19 On VAW Shelters and Transition Houses
Women’s Shelters Canada
This Special issue of Shelter Voices focuses on how violence against women (VAW) shelters/THs were affected by and have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes information on capacity, crisis calls, and requests for admittance, changes in violence (both severity and frequency), how COVID-19 has impacted the work of shelters/THs, how they have adapted, and what adaptations they plan to keep post-pandemic. 

An Act of Local Love: Ep1 – A Crisis Like No Other 
United Way Guelph Wellington Dufferin
An Act of Local Love is a 3-part video series that takes a look at some of the issues our community is facing due to COVID-19. Episode 1: A Crisis Like No Other starts at the beginning and it's meant to take you places you may not have seen or understood before. Will it make you uncomfortable? Maybe. But these are real issues facing our neighbours right now. 

3 Considerations for Supporting Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Learning Network

This infographic offers three considerations to help women, and those supporting women, to increase their safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Global Pandemic: Violence Against Women
Women’s College Research Institute and Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres  
This infographic shares information on why domestic violence may escalate or worsen during COVID-19.  

Addressing a Global Pandemic within a Global Pandemic
Canadian Science Policy Centre
This editorial provides information on intimate partner violence during COVID-19 and offers suggested interventions. 

COVID-19 and Safety Risks for Young Women
Women's Multicultural Resource & Counselling Centre (WMRCC)
This document shares information about how the COVID-19 pandemic may impact young women experiencing violence and provides guidance on developing a safety plan.

COVID-19 and Violence Against Women: What the Health Sector/System Can Do
World Health Organization
This short document provides some key information about what the health sector and individuals can do to prevent and address violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls
UN Women
This brief highlights emerging evidence of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on violence against women and girls. It makes recommendations to be considered by all sectors of society for preventing and responding to violence against women and girls at the onset, during, and after the public health crisis. It also provides examples of actions already taken.

Identifying & Mitigating Gender-Based Violence Risks within the COVID-19 Response
GBV Guidelines

This tipsheet identifies key sector-specific GBV risks that are believed likely to occur and/or be exacerbated during the COVID-19 response, along with recommendations on how to mitigate these risks. It is meant to be a living document and intended to be updated frequently as new information and promising practice emerges from the field.

Intimate Partner Violence in a Pandemic: COVID-19-Related Controlling Behaviours
Learning Network
This infographic shares how the control and intimidation tactics already used by partners who cause harm can be compounded by the use of COVID-19-related controlling behaviours. 

Keeping Youth Safe Online During COVID-19
Victim Services of Durham Region
This video provides information on potential risks faced by youth online during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides tips for parents on how to talk to their children and keep them safe online.

Online and ICT Facilitated Violence Against Women and Girls During COVID-19
UN Women

This brief highlights emerging trends and impacts of COVID-19 on online and ICT facilitated violence against women and girls, in addition to providing examples of strategies to prevent and respond to this violence.

Pandemics and Violence Against Women and Children
Center for Global Development
This working paper documents nine main (direct and indirect) pathways linking pandemics and violence against women and children. It also includes eight policy and program responses for action by governments, civil society, international and community-based organizations.

Social Distancing? Safety Tips for Women Living with an Abusive Partner
Luke's Place
This webpage offers safety planning tips for women who live with a partner who inflicts harm.

Supporting Victims of Family Violence & Abuse During COVID-19
Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter
This tipsheet provides suggestions on supporting individuals who have experienced family violence and abuse, including how to open up the conversation and what to do and not do when someone discloses.

Violence Against Women Sector Survey: Impacts of COVID-19
Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WomanACT)

This sector survey was open between April 6 to April 10, 2020 and received 60 responses about how Violence Against Women sector organizations are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

EVAW COVID-19 Briefs
UN Women
This series explores in depth the trends and impacts of the pandemic on violence against women and girls, including considerations for prevention and responses to VAWG in a variety of contexts.

Pandemic Meets Pandemic: Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 on Gender-Based Violence Services and Survivors in Canada
Ending Violence Association of Canada & Anova
This report presents the results of a national survey of GBV-focused service providers and advocates on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Reopening
Learning Network
This brief summarizes current research and advocacy on domestic violence against women and children in the context of COVID-19 reopening, as well as policy recommendations for addressing the needs of survivors and the organizations that support them.

The Need for Shelters During the Pandemic 
Yourtv Halton 
This show with Marlene Ham, Executive Director, Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses, and Diane Beaulieu, Executive Director, Halton Women's Place, explores why shelters are so crucial during this pandemic and how COVID-19 has affected women in abusive relationships.

Cybermisogyny During Times of COVID-19 and Beyond 
YWCA Canada and LEAF 
This webinar panel explores how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the harms of cybermisogyny from a lived experience perspective. 

Research Spotlight on Gender-Based Violence and COVID-19 
EVA Canada and ANOVA 
This webinar brought together 15 researchers and advocates across the country currently researching the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender-based violence services, service providers, and survivors. 

Adapting VAW Services Offered to Women in the Community during COVID-19 
Women’s Shelters Canada 
On May 6th, 2020, Women's Shelters Canada (WSC) hosted a practice-sharing webinar with Lynn Loeppky, Executive Director of Revelstoke Women's Shelter Society, and Sandy Watson-Moyles, Executive Director of the Three Oaks Foundation.

Substance Use (SU) Among Women in the Context of the Corollary Pandemics of COVID-19 and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health
This Rapid Review examines the disparate literatures on 1) disasters/pandemics and IPV, and 2) on the relationship between IPV and SU. Examined separately, the syntheses of both of these reviews are presented. The aim is to create knowledge products for first responders, substance use service providers, and IPV service providers that are useful in the context of COVID-19 and its recovery, and related disasters and crises.

Impossible Choices: Serving Women Experiencing Violence During COVID-19
Nadine Wathen
This resource provides and overview of how gender-based violence and support seeking have been impacted during COVID-19.  It illustrates how these issues connect to broader structural issues of social inequity and injustice. It also provides a “View from the Front Line” testimony from the Executive Director of an Ontario women’s shelter.  The resource was featured as part of a series by CRHESI titled Voices From the Margins of a Crisis. It was originally published by the Royal Society of Canada and is available in French and English.

COVID-19 AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: THE EVIDENCE BEHIND THE TALK – Insights from big data analysis in Asian countries
UN Women, UNFPA, and  
UN Women partnered with Quilt.AI and UNFPA to conduct analysis of big data in eight countries: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore. The analysis identified trends from discourse data generated across social media platforms and search engines. In particular, big data on people’s search behaviour on VAWG-related topics (both before the onset of the pandemic and since) were considered

Domestic Violence During COVID-19
National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice
The findings presented in this report are based on a systematic review of multiple domestic and international studies that compared changes in the number of domestic violence incidents before and after jurisdictions began imposing pandemic-related lockdowns in early 2020.

COVID-19 Impact on Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
This report provides a summary of the evidence related to COVID-19 pandemic and intimate partner violence and child maltreatment.

COVID-19, Intimate Partner Violence and Substance Use
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health  
This sheet explores the linkages between COVID-19, intimate partner violence (IPV) and substance use to inform training, practice and policy for service organizations and frontline workers. Another information sheet and infographic offer strategies for action for providers, policy makers and women.

Action on Intimate Partner Violence and Substance Use in the COVID-19 Context
BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health  
This sheet explores adaptations to practice for service organizations and frontline workers, to respond to concerning trends in intimate partner violence (IPV) and substance use in the COVID-19 context.

COVID-19 and Intimate Partner Violence
Dr. Lisa Patel and Dr. Maya Ragavan  
Dr. Lisa Patel and Dr. Maya Ragavan discuss intimate partner violence (IPV) in the context of COVID-19. While data has focused on prevalence, they dive into how the pandemic has changed survivors’ experiences, access to resources, approach to safety planning, privacy concerns, and survivor resilience. They also discuss alternative means of counseling families for IPV in the setting of increased telehealth, where survivors may not be in a private place to disclose an abusive relationship. 

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in Virtual Home Visits  
National Home Visiting Resource Center    
This brief synthesizes the research evidence on IPV and home visiting programs and examines how COVID-19 has impacted such programs.

Feminist Scorecard 2021: Accelerating a Feminist COVID-19 Recovery
Oxfam Canada
This scorecard focuses on the government’s actions to help Canada and the world recover from the pandemic. Specifically, it assesses the degree to which it has advanced gender equality and applied an intersectional feminist lens in response and recovery measures.

Examining the Use of Virtual Care Interventions to Provide Trauma-Focused Treatment to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Populations   
S. Montesanti, W. Ghidei, P. Silverstone, & L. Wells      
This rapid evidence review examines existing trauma-focused virtual care interventions for the domestic and sexual assault population and the factors influencing their acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness across a range of individuals and families at risk.

Don’t Rebuild On Our Backs: Report on Gender-Based Violence, Before, During, and After COVID-19
Dandelion Initiative
Don’t Rebuild On Our Backs is a call to action for policy change, equity, and safety for survivors, and the organizations and programs that serve them.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Criminal Justice System Responses to Gender-Based Violence Against Women: A Global Review of Emerging Evidence
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
The purpose of this assessment is to review the impact of COVID-19, and States’ responses to the pandemic, on crime prevention and criminal justice responses to GBVAW around the world, considering the first months of the pandemic.

Action on Intimate Partner Violence and Substance Use in the COVID-19 Context
Action on Intimate Partner Violence and Substance Use in the COVID-19 Context
During COVID-19 and its aftermath, it is important to consider the impacts of the pandemic and social and physical isolation on women’s health. This sheet explores adaptations to practice for service organizations and frontline workers, to respond to concerning trends in intimate partner violence (IPV) and substance use in the COVID-19 context

Intimate Partner Violence and COVID-19: Considerations for Health Care Workers
Women’s College Hospital
This presentation reviews literature regarding how IPV may be impacted by disaster situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic and reviews trauma-informed approaches to suspected IPV or to an IPV disclosure by a patient.

Mental Wellness of VAW Sector Staff During COVID-19: Literature Review
Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH)
This literature review explores how the implementation of a workplace wellness program and committee may be beneficial to both staff and employers in the VAW sector.

The Shadow Pandemic: Stopping Coercive and Controlling Behaviour in Intimate Relationships: Report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights
House of Commons Canada
This report summarizes the evidence submitted from the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights study on domestic violence and presents the Committee’s recommendations for reform.

Child Maltreatment

Child Welfare and Pandemics Information Sheet
Policy Bench, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto
This information sheet focuses on potential policy solutions that could mitigate the impact of the pandemic on children in the care of Canada’s child welfare system.

Child Welfare and Pandemics Literature Scan
Policy Bench, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto
This literature scan identifies and synthesizes existing literature examining the effects of pandemics and the identification of policy solutions to mitigate their effects on a well-defined group of Canada’s population—children in the care of Canada’s child welfare system.

Children, Youth & COVID-19
Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH)
This resource list includes educational, mental health, and entertainment-based options for helping children, youth, and caregivers cope during COVID-19.

Children and Youth Living with Family Violence During the COVID-19 Crisis
The University of British Columbia
This support tool is intended to help educators, counsellors, administrators, and others in their virtual communication and outreach to children and youth.

Keeping Children Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Learning Network
This backgrounder shares important considerations and strategies for keeping children who may be at an increased risk of experiencing abuse or maltreatment safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

My 2020 COVID-19 Time Capsule for Youth
Women's Multicultural Resource & Counselling Centre (WMRCC)
This time capsule provides youth with the opportunity to reflect on and document what they are going through during the pandemic.

Technical Note: Protection of Children During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
This brief presents the potential child protection risks that COVID-19 can pose to children and makes suggestions for further ways to protect children.

COVID-19 Impact on Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
This report provides a summary of the evidence related to COVID-19 pandemic and intimate partner violence and child maltreatment.

Child protection in the time of COVID-19
Australian Institute of Heath and Welfare 
This report presents child protection data from March to September 2020 (covering the ‘first wave’ of COVID-19 restrictions for Australia, and part of the ‘second wave’ of restrictions for Victoria) with comparisons to the same period in 2019.

Bystander Intervention

Bystander Intervention & Community Care During COVID-19
Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Services Association 
This zine shares suggestions on how we can work together in our communities, families, and friend groups to break the silence on gender-based violence. 

Calling All Family and Friends of Families Experiencing Violence at Home
Futures Without Violence
This resource shares eight different ways to help children and adults living with violence.

Take a Stand Against Family Violence and Abuse: Support During the COVID-19 Crisis
Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 
This re-occurring webinar focuses on supporting individuals and families during this time of crisis. Participants learn how to identify family violence and abuse in all its forms, ways to respond compassionately and positively to victims, and how to connect victims to resources. 

Engaging Men and Boys

Corona Crisis: Survival Kit for Men Under Pressure
MenCare Switzerland
This survival kit was made to support men in staying calm during the Corona crisis It includes 10 suggestions on dealing with stress.

DRAFT Adaptation of the European Network Guidelines for Working Responsibly with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Consideration by United States Perpetrator Programs
European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence, Global Rights for Women, Pathways to Family Peace, and Family Violence Project of Maine
This draft guide for United States domestic violence perpetrator programs is an adaptation of the guidelines prepared by the European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence.  It provides questions for perpetrator programs to consider in attempt to work with perpetrators of domestic violence responsibly during the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Men, Masculinities and COVID-19: Actions, Resources, and Connecting Online
MenEngage Alliance
This page brings together resources, tools, and advocacy activities relevant to those working to transform masculinities and engage men and boys for gender justice during times of COVID-19.

Working with Men Remotely: Key Insights
No to Violence
This webpage shares key tips for those who are contacting men to talk about family violence.

Working with Perpetrators during the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from Europe
European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence, Global Rights for Women, Pathways to Family Peace, and Family Violence Project of Maine
This webinar shares information on the type of work to do with perpetrators of domestic violence during COVID-19 and reviews guidelines for working with perpetrators during the COVID-19 crisis.

Day After Day
White Ribbon
Day after Day follows the story of a family in lockdown experiencing a troubling pattern of gender-based violence. Our film shows the impact of that violence by highlighting two very different stories of isolation: one of a man, trapped with complicated emotions he never really learned to articulate; and of a woman and child who are trapped at home with him. 
The powerful PSA calls on men and boys to reject gender-based violence and commit to change.

Family Courts

COVID-19 Webinar: Supporting Women with Family Violence & Family Law Issues
Luke’s Place
This webinar looks at family law, family court, and safety issues for women leaving abusive relationships while COVID-19 containment measures are in place.

Family Law & Domestic Violence
Samra Zafar
This webinar involves a conversation initiated by Samra Zafar with Michael Stangarone and William Abbott, partners at MacDonald & Partners LLP. It sheds light on women's rights under family law, especially when there is domestic violence involved.

How to Deal with Urgent Family Matters in the Provincial Courts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
YWCA Metro Vancouver
This webpage shares how women experiencing intimate partner violence in British Columbia can have an urgent matter heard during this pandemic.

Supporting Women to Access Family Law Supports During COVID-19
Luke’s Place
This webpage shares up-to-date information about what family law services and supports are available across Ontario at this time.

Family Law and Domestic Violence During COVID-19
Katharina Janczaruk, Pamela Cross, Tami Moscoe
This webinar addresses questions related to domestic violence and family law in Ontario.  The information session is specifically tailored to issues that may be of interest to front-line workers who are supporting survivors.

Supporting Women with Family Violence and Family Law Issues During COVID-19
Pamela Cross
This webinar looks at family law, family court and safety issues for women leaving abusive relationships while COVID-19 containment measures are in place. Topics covered include: why it is more difficult for women to leave, why incidents of abuse may increase, how to stay safe while still living with the abuser, what family court operations are available, how women can access legal advice and services, what makes a family law case urgent and how that applies in domestic violence cases.

COVID-19, The Shadow Pandemic, and Access to Justice for Survivors of Domestic Violence
Jennifer Koshan, Janet Mosher, and Wanda Wiegers  
This article provides a preliminary assessment of the extent to which Canada’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have prioritized the safety of women and children, with a focus on the courts and women’s access to justice. 

Gendered and Intersectional Impacts

Resetting Normal: Funding A Thriving Women’s Sector  
The Canadian Women’s Foundation, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ontario Nonprofit Network, Kathleen Lahey
Resetting Normal is a series of reports on gender equality and the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. They explore risks to human rights exposed by the pandemic and propose new ways to build a gender-equal Canada in pandemic recovery efforts. This report lays out the existing erosion of women-serving agencies and gender-equity seeking groups that has created greater vulnerability for the sector, and thus for women and other vulnerable groups, in the current emergencies. 

Resetting Normal: Women, Decent Work and Canada’s Fractured Care Economy
The Canadian Women’s Foundation, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ontario Nonprofit Network, Fay Faraday 
Resetting Normal is a series of reports on gender equality and the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. They explore risks to human rights exposed by the pandemic and propose new ways to build a gender-equal Canada in pandemic recovery efforts. 

An Intersectional Approach to COVID-19 She-Covery
YWCA Toronto
This document identifies that diverse communities of women in Canada face a range of risks during this pandemic and that these differing experiences must be accounted for in a meaningful way and centrally inform recovery planning.

Beyond Sex and Gender Analysis: An Intersectional View of the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak and Response
The University of Melbourne and Queen Mary University of London
This policy brief illustrates the importance of an intersectional approach in understanding and addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. It also contains a list of recommended actions that policymakers, support workers, and researchers can take in their response efforts.

Building Bridges, Not Walking on Backs: A Feminist Economic Recovery Plan for COVID-19
Hawaiʻi State Commission on the Status of Women
This document represents a living and evolving agenda for a feminist COVID-19 response and recovery and therefore is not exhaustive, definitive, or exclusively representative but highlights key and emerging principles and recommendations.

COVID-19 and the Canadian Workforce: Reforming EI to Protect More Workers
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
This paper examines how well protected Canadian workers are now and what else could and should be done to protect workers facing prolonged economic uncertainty from the COVID-19 crisis.

COVID-19 at the Intersection of Gender and Disability: Findings of a Global Human Rights Survey, March to April 2020
Women Enabled International
This report shares findings from a survey of one hundred women, non-binary, and trans persons with disabilities across the globe on concerns they had about healthcare, violence, support services, income, and education during the COVID-19 crisis. It provides recommendations to States, U.N. agencies, healthcare systems, and violence service providers about how to ensure that issues at the intersection of gender and disability are included in COVID-19 responses moving forward.

Gendered Impacts of Coronavirus
Canadian Women’s Foundation
This blog shares some interrelated gendered impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Gender-Based Violence
Courage to Act
This resource lists some of the ways gender-based violence is enacted and exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Under the Blacklight: The Intersectional Vulnerabilities that COVID Lays Bare
African American Policy Forum (AAPF)
This webinar series hosts events that bring together artists, activists, thought leaders, scholars, service-providers, and others on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19.

Why COVID-19 is a Disaster for Gender Equality
Consent Comes First Office, Ryerson University
This webinar reviews how the pandemic impacts women and shares ways we can all navigate this historically challenging time.

“More Exposed & Less Protected” in Canada: Racial Inequality as Systemic Violence During COVID-19
Learning Network
This Backgrounder provides a broad summary of recent research, reporting, and advocacy on the intersections of racism and COVID-19 in Canada. It seeks to highlight some of the ways that these intersections leave Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) “more exposed and less protected” to harms during the pandemic, with a particular focus on healthcare, labour, and housing.

Why COVID-19 is Even More Dangerous for Black Women 
Eternity Martis 
This article addresses how the surveillance and security measures in place as a result of the pandemic has differently impacted Black people through racial profiling, overpolicing, and violence.  

The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Call to Action to Identify and Address Racial and Ethnic Disparities 
Cato T. Laurencin and Aneesah McClinton 
This paper presents the earliest available data in the peer-reviewed literature on the racial and ethnic distribution of COVID-19-confirmed cases and fatalities in the state of Connecticut. It seeks to explode the myth of Black immunity to the virus and calls for a National Commission on COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities to further explore and respond to the unique challenges that the crisis presents for Black and Brown communities. 

Intersectional Impact of COVID 19 against NSRI women 
OCASI's Initiative to End Gender-Based Violence in Immigrant and Refugee Communities 
This webinar features a roundtable on how gender-based violence impacts Non-Status, Refugee, and Immigrant women in the context of COVID-19.  

Anti-Racism and Gender-Based Violence during COVID-19 
OCASI's Initiative to End Gender-Based Violence in Immigrant and Refugee Communities 
This webinar features a roundtable on gender-based violence and the spread of racism against Non-Status, Refugee, and Immigrant women in the context of COVID-19.  

Living with Disability in the Time of COVID
Jeff Preston, Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion
This resource summarizes the importance of a Disability Studies lens to the COVID-19 pandemic.  It includes a call to action that challenges triage policies during COVID-19, as well as a podcast involving disability advocates.  The resource is part of a series by CRHESI titled Voices From the Margins of a Crisis.

2020 Syndemic: Convergence of COVID-19, Gender-Based Violence, and Racism Pandemics
Nazilla Khanlou, Luz Maria Vazquez, Soheila Pashang, Jennifer A. Connolly, Farah Ahmad & Andrew Ssawe
This paper offers a rapid knowledge synthesis of literature on the social determinants of mental health of racialized women exposed to gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. It finds that racialized women are experiencing a 2020 Syndemic: a convergence of COVID-19, GBV, and racism pandemics, placing their wellbeing at a disproportionate risk.

Parliamentary Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women Living with Disabilities in Canada
DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada
In this brief, DAWN Canada highlights unique considerations, as well as significant and existing policy gaps facing women with disabilities.

Housing, Shelter, and Homelessness

Conversation on COVID-19 and Women's Homelessness
The Shift
This video features MP Leah Gazan, Leilani Farha, Dr. Kaitlin Schwan, and Anjum Sultana coming together for a conversation on COVID-19 and women's homelessness in Canada.

Guidance for Providers of Services for People Experiencing Homelessness (in the Context of COVID-19)
Government of Canada
This webpage provides recommendations for the homelessness-serving sector (including overnight emergency shelters, day shelters, and meal service providers) in response to the pandemic.

Pandemic Planning: How Can My Agency Prepare for the Potential Spread of Coronavirus?
Homeless Hub
This blog shares what homelessness agencies and sectors need to know to make a COVID-19 plan. It focuses on developing plans that are considerate of the needs of persons experiencing homelessness, yet flexible enough to adapt to changing conditions.

Promising Practice Examples for Transitional Housing Programs Responding to Pandemic
BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH)
This document shares promising practices to take during the pandemic in the context of transition houses.

Creating a COVID-19 Isolation Site for Survivors of Domestic Violence 
Women’s Shelters Canada
In this webinar, held on July 10, 2020, Sandgate Women’s Shelter and Yellow Brick House share how they came together to create a COVID-19 isolation site specifically for survivors of domestic violence. They tell the story of how this site came to be, and share some of their challenges and successes. 

Tools, Services, and Supplies for VAW Shelters during the Pandemic 
Women’s Shelters Canada
On June 30, 2020, Women’s Shelters Canada held a webinar on tools, services, and supplies for VAW shelters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women’s Shelters Canada was joined by representatives of Facebook Canada, ResourceConnect, and Grand & Toy. 

Implications for Fundraising for VAW Shelters during COVID-19 
Women’s Shelters Canada
On May 12, Women's Shelters Canada hosted a webinar on Implications for Fundraising for VAW Shelters during COVID-19. WSC was joined by Kathryn Babcock, Founder and CEO of capitalW, to share shelter specific tools and tips for fundraising during COVID-19 and positioning for the new normal.

Shelter Spaces and Pandemic Response: A Best Practices Handbook for Flexible Space Planning
Gender, Trauma & Violence Knowledge Incubator @ Western
This Handbook presents an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the physical spaces of Ontario gender-based violence/violence against women shelters. Based on the analysis, suggestions are provided for shelters on how to adapt both their pandemic protocols, and their spaces, to ensure more flexibility for events requiring physical distancing and other spatial changes.


Immigrant and Refugee Communities

Are You or Do You Know A Woman Without Residency Status Who Is Fleeing Violence?
Ending Violence Association of BC
This tipsheet offers information and resources for women without residency status who are fleeing domestic violence and navigating many systems.

COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines for  Mental Health Support of Racialized Women at Risk of Gender Based Violence
South Riverdale Community Health Centre, Nazilla Khanlou, Dr. Andrew Ssawe  
The project’s overall goal is to advance trauma-informed mental health care for racialized women and girls at risk of GBV during the COVID19 pandemic. Click to read Knowledge Synthesis Report, Information Brief, Infographic, Toolkit, and Policy Brief.

Brief Summary: Gender-Based Violence Against Non-Status, Refugee and Immigrant Women Across Canada in the Context of COVID-19 
OCASI's Initiative to End Gender-Based Violence in Immigrant and Refugee Communities 
This brief summary shares insights from a national roundtable on gender-based violence implications for Non-Status, Refugee, and Immigrant women in the context of COVID-19. Speakers provided a critical assessment and commentary to understand the changing context and spoke to gaps in capacity and services. 

Responding to Hate Toolkit: Combat anti-Asian Racism by Taking Action
Maryka Omatsu, Gary Yee, Avvy Go, Gerald Chan, Juanita Westmoreland
In response to outbreaks of anti-Asian sentiments and racism during COVID-19 in Canada and around the world, this toolkit provides a list of resources to help those who may be victims of or witness to racially motivated hate or discrimination. The toolkit provides information on the difference between hate crimes, hate incidents, and acts of discrimination, as well as links to the various organizations people can reach out to in order to report a hate act, whether they were a victim or a witness.

Behind Closed Doors: Exposing Migrant Care Worker Exploitation During COVID-19
Caregivers’ Action Centre, Vancouver Committee for Domestic Workers and Caregivers Rights; Caregiver Connections, Education and Support Organization; The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
This report compiles hundreds of surveys filled out by migrant care workers during COVID-19.  It tells a story of entrapment, long hours, and thousands of dollars in stolen wages. It shows the enormous power employers have to abuse and exploit, and the ways in which migrant women are refusing to be silent. The report calls on the federal government to ensure full and permanent immigration status for all.


Indigenous Communities

Indigenous Wellbeing in the Times of COVID-19: Four Directions Virtual Support Hub
Women’s College Hospital Centre for WISE Practices in Indigenous Health
This hub includes resources to support Indigenous wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Maintaining the Health and Well-Being of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children and Teens During COVID-19
National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH)
This brief fact sheet provides information for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis parents and caregivers to support the health and well-being of Indigenous children and teens during this pandemic.

Traditional Indigenous Kinship Practices at Home: Being Child-Centered during the Pandemic
Indigenous Motherhood
A website post on the impacts of colonial structures on Indigenous kinship systems, and strategies to maintain traditional Indigenous kinship practices at home during the pandemic. 

Webinar on COVID19 and Indigenous Communities
Indigenous Climate Action Network
This webinar brings together Indigenous health experts to speak on keeping Indigenous Peoples and communities healthy during this time.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada
Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action
This report presents a detailed examination of how COVID-19, and the governmental response to the pandemic, has impacted Indigenous Peoples.

Yellowhead Institute
This policy brief presents a critical analysis of the government’s data collection methods in researching the impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous communities, raising concerns that the number of Indigenous people who have died from the virus is currently underreported in official statistics.

Yellowhead Institute
This infographic highlights the discrepancy between community-sourced data on COVID-19 cases in Indigenous communities compared with data reported by Indigenous Services Canada, raising concerns about potential underreporting of the impact that COVID-19 has had in Indigenous communities.

LGBTQ2S Communities

COVID-19 Resource List
LGBT YouthLine
This resource list has been compiled by volunteers and Board members at YouthLine to support 2SLGBTQ youth across Ontario.

LGBTQI2S Mental Health Tips during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This tipsheet provides suggestions and resources for grounding oneself during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stuck in Quarantine with your Homophobic or Transphobic Family?
This guide shares tips on what to do for individuals who are quarantined with their homophobic or transphobic family.

Supporting Trans Persons Experiencing Violence
Women’s College Research Institute and Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres 
This infographic shares information on rates of domestic violence against trans persons and how those rates may increase due to COVID-19-related stress.  

Programming and Research

Guidance for conducting trauma-and violence-informed community-based programs during a pandemic, natural disaster, crisis, or other emergency situation
Knowledge Hub
This document offers guidance for practitioners conducting trauma- and violence-informed community-based intervention programs during a crisis with individuals who have experienced gender-based violence.

Guidance for researchers conducting trauma- and violence-informed community-based research during a pandemic, natural disaster, crisis, or other emergency situation
Knowledge Hub
This document offers guidance on conducting trauma and violence-informed research during a crisis with people who have experienced gender-based violence.


COVID-19: Emotional Self-Care
The 519
This website shares support resources including pieces on Grounding Techniques, Understanding the Impacts of Trauma, and Understanding Consent.

Information and Resources to Support Parents during COVID-19
BC Society of Transition Houses
This document contains a compiled list of links, resources, and supports to help parents during the pandemic with issues such as co-parenting, homeschooling, childcare and more.

Self-Care During COVID-19
Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence
This activity book is meant to guide self-care practices as we get through COVID-19 together.

Self-Care Strategies
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic

This webpage shares self-care strategies to help manage stress and anxiety while social distancing or in isolation. Strategies included support at home-crisis management, self-soothing, building a routine, and staying safe. 

Yoga, Self Care + Grounding for Workers, Parents + Kids 
BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH) 
This webinar shares grounding practices, self-care strategies, and simple chair yoga. 

Resisting Burnout and Building Resilience During COVID-19: A Workshop Recognizing the Hard Work of Frontline Workers
Karen B.K. Chan, Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, frontline workers have continued to provide support to clients and communities, many of whom have been thrown into crisis. Racialized communities have been disproportionately affected, compounding existing inequality. Many frontline workers are also working remotely, making it more difficult to assist and connect with clients in this isolating time. This workshop explores the impact of these changes on our health and our ability to work effectively on the frontlines during COVID-19.


Sexual Violence

COVID-19, Pandemics and Gender: OCRCC Statement
Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC)
This statement shares how recommendations to support public health and safety, like social distancing, can create unique risks for those at risk of experiencing violence and unique access barriers for any and all survivors of violence.

Sexual Violence and COVID-19
Learning Network
This infographic shares some of the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting sexual violence.

Technology and Remote Workplaces

Digital Service Considerations for BC's Anti-Violence Programs
BC Society of Transition Houses (BCSTH)
This webinar shares best practices and privacy and security considerations for BC's anti-violence workers in using technology to support program participants during a public health crisis.

Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH)
This infographic reviews 10 tips for online meeting etiquette.

Strategies for Remote Work to Address Gender-Based Violence
Courage to Act
This webpage offers suggestions and resources for people working in post-secondary institutions about meeting the emerging needs of campus community members affected by gender-based violence.

Virtual VAW Work in the time of COVID-19
Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) 
This slide set offers strategies for effective virtual violence against women work, including best practices for virtual meetings and training, and how you can best support your co-workers and staff during COVID-19.


What can Employers and Companies do During the COVID-19 Crisis?
DV@Work Network
This briefing aims to raise awareness and start a conversation about the heightened risks of domestic violence during the COVID-19 public health crisis. Their focus is on the implications of the shift to working remotely/teleworking from home, rather than going into a physical workplace every day.

Domestic Violence and Work Safety Strategies and Plans During the COVID-19 Crisis
DV@Work Network
This briefing looks at domestic violence and work-related safety strategies and plans during the COVID-19 crisis.

The COVID-19 Crisis and Work-Related Domestic Violence Supports in the Longer-Term
DV@Work Network
This briefing discusses the need for longer-term changes in policy and practice to provide greater safety to those who experience domestic violence. It is grounded in the belief that the crisis has opened up a possibility to develop new thinking and solutions to the problems we confront during this crisis and post-crisis.

Resetting Normal Report 2: Women, Decent Work and Canada’s Fractured Care Economy
Canadian Women’s Foundation, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, & Ontario Nonprofit Network
This report examines the unequal impact of COVID-19 on the labour market, including an analysis of care work.

Domestic Violence in the Context of COVID-19 
All Over the Place by the International Transport Workers' Federation 
This podcast features Barb MacQuarrie and Sheela Naikwade sharing their thoughts on the visible spikes in domestic violence cases, why domestic violence should be considered a workplace issueand some useful tips for anyone experiencing domestic violence at home. 

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